建築設計REPORT Vol.03

主な設備●高齢者施設向け建材商品 ・居室入口 上吊り片引戸 ・居室内トイレ 1間3枚連動片引戸 ・共用部トイレ 1間2枚連動片引戸●リビエシリーズ ・共用部トイレ 折れ戸 ・共用部収納 3枚シンクロ引戸 ・居室部収納 クローゼット扉レセンテBuilt with the focus on providing comfortable living for aged people, the HANANOKI residen-tial home has four two-person rooms (not many in managed care homes found in Toyo-kawa City) in addition to 40 one-person rooms. Free from petty rules for time management and scheduled mealtimes, the HANANOKI home was designed to help seniors enjoy living their golden years and provides even karaoke and relaxation rooms. To keep monthly pay-ment fees as low as possible for residents, cost management was applied right from the start of construction. Based on this concept, the exterior appearance stays simple, yet resident rooms are spacious, with more space than found in similar facilities, and feature hotel-like high-grade interiors. Sliding doors with a soft closing mechanism prevent residents from inadvertently shutting the door on their fingers. They are also the hanging type without track grooves so that aged people who often shuffle their feet will not catch their fingers. The doors and furniture are finished in a chic, unified Excel Dark tone which accentuates the pleasant ecru interiors.High-grade interiors with enhanced safety and security愛知県豊川市寿通有限会社 ライズ山旺建設株式会社 一級建築士事務所山旺建設株式会社2012年7月/////所在地建築主設計建設竣工■住宅型有料老人ホーム 花の樹シンプルな動線に沿って各居室が配置され、床面にレールのない上吊り引き戸が採用されている車いすでも通りやすい2枚連動引き戸が採用されているトイレのドアも上吊りタイプハナミズキなど、季節の花の樹が植えられた中庭に面している1階食堂と収納扉“HANANOKI” RESIDENTIAL HOME FOR THE AGED12


