建築設計REPORT Vol.03

主な電気設備●太陽光発電システム「HIT233」●リチウムイオン蓄電池●パワーステーション●LEDダウンライト●LED蓄電ランタン●非常用コンセント●デジタルサイネージThe Coca-Cola Japan Reconstruction Fund assists financially for installing PV systems in public elementary and junior high schools in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. In November 2011, eleven schools were selected to receive Coca-Cola’s first-stage subsi-dies as well as support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. All three elementary schools and single junior high school in Fukushima’s Shinchi-machi district were selected as subsidy recipients. Among them is the Komagamine Elementary School, with an installation of a PV system (20kW), a storage battery system (15kWh) and an energy creation-storage linked system that optimally controls PV and storage battery systems. In case of disaster, electric power stored in the storage battery system will be used to turn on emergency LED lighting. Power is also supplied to the gymna-sium which is designated an evacuation center, and the faculty’s office which will serve as the disaster prevention base via the emergency outlets. This also makes it easier to access informa-tion, which is a critical necessity when coping with a disaster. Shinchi-machi has also been actively involved with education through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and is planning to activate environmental education center-ing around energy issues by making maximum use of ICT. Energy creation-storage linked system installations in disaster-affected schools improve electric power infrastructure and enhance environmental education福島県相馬郡新地町駒ヶ嶺新地町株式会社 ラティオインターナショナルパナソニックESエンジニアリング株式会社2012年9月所在地施主システム設計システム工事システム竣工■新地町立駒ヶ嶺小学校太陽光システム盤15kWhのリチウムイオン蓄電池を備えた蓄電システム職員室に設置された非常用LED照明器具停電時には非常用コンセントに出力が自動的に切り替わる持ち出しが可能な蓄電ランタンも装備されているシステム構成図太陽光発電モジュール系統電力一般回路非常時回路非常用コンセント職員室体育館リチウムイオン蓄電システム盤サイネージ(昇降室)サイネージ(通路)受変電装置太陽光システム盤分電盤LED照明KOMAGAMINE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, SHINCHI-MACHI/////③④②②教育棟に設置された「見える化」サイネージ ③訪れる市民が見えるように通路側にも設置されている ④小学生に親しみやすいデザイン14


