建築設計REPORT Vol.03

KAWASAKI GATE TOWER主な設備●LS-i KITCHEN●i-X DRESSING●i-X BATHROOM●i-t フローリング●ディスポーザー「夢厨房」●IHクッキングヒーター●食器洗い乾燥機●トイレカウンターThe Kawasaki Gate Tower constructed in the Omiya-cho district close to JR Kawasaki Station’s west exit is a 22-floor building with 110 condominiums. The building was planned for families to be able to live in over genera-tions with interior designs and equipment specially made to accommodate maintenance and updates easily. This feature allowed the condominium building to be designated Kanagawa Prefecture’s first advanced sustainable housing project, and also received the CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency) Kawasaki’s highest S-rank certification. “As the sub-constructor responsible for total construction of flooring and other interiors, Pana-sonic Eco Solutions Condominiums & Apartments Engineering began collaborating with us as early as the design stage. This made it possible to offer many varia-tions and respond flexibly to options.” Shimizu Corporation Yokohama Branch’s construction manager Mr. Narumoto Ohashi stated “instead of simply dealing with interior construction work, they offered various proposals about living environments and interior deco-rating processes to be carried out in parallel with the building frame construction. We really appreciate and give high marks to Panasonic Eco Solutions’ compre-hensive management capabilities including proposals.”Offering total living support interior design for sustainable tower condominiums神奈川県川崎市幸区大宮町川崎市住宅供給公社清水建設株式会社パナソニックES集合住宅エンジニアリング株式会社2012年7月/////所在地施主建築設計内装工事竣工■川崎ゲートタワーキッチンからリビング・ダイニングを望むカラーコーディネイトされた洗面化粧台お手入れしやすいバスルーム専有面積/ 77.17m2 バルコニー面積/ 15.73m2N洋室(2)(約5.4畳)洋室(1)(約6.6畳)バルコニーバルコニー洗面室玄関トイレ洗面室廊下玄関MB・PS浴室トイレキッチン(5.6畳)WICリビング・ダイニング(約16.9畳)©SS東京6


