建築設計REPORT Vol.04

主な電気設備●太陽光発電システム「HIT233」(5.6kW)●リチウムイオン蓄電システム(3.2kWh)●エコキュート●空調システム●LED照明器具●多回路エネルギーモニタ●アラウーノ●ナノイー発生機Tully’s new Ekoda shop is designed with the most advanced eco-friendly features within the entire Tully’s Coffee Japan chain. These include PV modules (5.6kW) on the rooftop to cover 10-20% of electric power usage. Linked with a lithium-ion battery system (3.2kWh), the PV system can shift peak power demand to off-peak hours and is ready to accommodate emergency blackouts. LED fixtures are used for the entire lighting system, and eco-friendly equipment is installed, such as a highly efficient air conditioning system and an “EcoCute” CO2 heat pump water heater. A multi-circuit energy monitor measures minute-to-minute the power consumed by every device, including lighting, air conditioning, and equipment used within the kitchen. The measured data is used for analyzing usage conditions for further improvements. Located near a train station, Tully’s Coffee Ekoda Shop was also designed to function as a disaster relief facility. In a blackout, the storage battery system supplies power for lighting and digital signage for up to seven hours. This system provides the latest news and information for people who cannot return home after a disaster. A concept shop designed for eco-friendly practices and disaster relief 東京都練馬区旭丘タリーズコーヒージャパン株式会社2012年9月///所在地施主竣工■タリーズコーヒー 江古田店高効率空調設備と並んで設置されている420Lエコキュートは災害時には帰宅困難者に温かい湯を提供する従来より約4割の節水が可能なトイレ「アラウーノ」屋上に設置された10kWの太陽電池モジュール店内のデジタルサイネージはエネルギーの「見える化」以外に、災害時にはニュースを放映する多回路エネルギーモニタが設置されている分電盤災害時には緊急電源として利用されるリチウムイオン蓄電池TULLY'S COFFEE EKODA12


